NEWS: Client Volunteering Opportunity

NEWS: Client Volunteering Opportunity

Client Volunteering Opportunity:

Are you a current Oakleaf client? Would you enjoy working with Oakleaf’s Board of Trustees?

We are looking for someone to lend a client’s perspective on all things Oakleaf.

To find out more about our client volunteering opportunity, please contact Lorraine Andrews, Oakleaf’s Chairperson:

Why Volunteer?

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you.

Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. This does not have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your day. So, if you happen to have a skill, hobby or passion you’d like to share with our clients, don’t hesitate to let us know!

For further information, please contact Jen Clay:

Coronavirus Emergency Appeal:

If you are able to donate to Oakleaf and help us provide much-needed support as funding sources vanish, we would be incredibly grateful—we now need you more than ever. You can also set up regular monthly donation here, or you can set up a Virgin Money Giving fundraising page. Whatever way you are able to support us, we greatly appreciate it.

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