Who We Are

History & Aims

Oakleaf has been helping the community to manage its mental health since 1995. The charity’s aim is to transform lives through the provision of wellbeing activities, work-related training, employment support and counselling. 

Following the Care in the Community Act 1990 an occupational therapy unit at the old Victorian mental health hospital at Brookwood closed and relocated to Guildford. The charity was registered in 1997 and has been led by its Chief Executive, Clive Stone ever since.

Brookwood Asylum in Surrey

Our Mission

To transform lives through the provision of support, training and wellbeing activities, building new futures with adults managing their mental health.

Our Vision

People are empowered to manage their mental health and wellbeing and are supported to achieve their goals.

Our Values

Respect, Empathy, Support, Inclusivity, Excellence and Integrity.

What We Do

We offer a wide range of services to our clients to empower them to gain the skills, support and confidence needed to manage their mental health and achieve their goals:


Designed to build confidence, physical health and wellbeing; reducing isolation and loneliness.


Courses in IT and Gardening help our clients gain the skills and qualifications needed to return to the world of work.

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Our ‘Path to Success’ Employment Project delivers tailored employment training and mentoring for clients.


Clients have access to counselling sessions with our BACP-registered service to aid their recovery.

You can view Oakleaf’s main leaflet here.

Please note we have a new email for client-related queries: client-services@oakleaf-enterprise.org

Conditions We Work With

Whilst you do not need a formal diagnosis to access our services, many of our clients are suffering from (but are not limited to) the following mental health conditions:

Depression including: Postnatal SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) & Bipolar Disorder | Schizophrenia | Paranoia | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |  Psychosis | (Inc. drug induced) | Anxiety | Phobias | Eating Disorders | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Autistic Spectrum Condition-Asperger’s | Personality Disorders | (Borderline (Emotional Intensity), Histrionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Dependent)

To find out more about these individual diagnoses click below:

Person in High Vis gear

Need For Our Work

Every year 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health issue[1].

In 2022/23, stress, depression or anxiety were responsible for 49% of all work-related ill health and 54% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health [2].

People with mental health needs have the second lowest employment rate of any disabled group with only 28.5% securing long-term work, and those with mental ill-health are more vulnerable to the negative effects of unemployment [3].

Testimonials and Stories

We pride ourselves on the work we do and the training and support we provide for our clients. Our biggest achievements are lived through their successes:

To see more of our client stories and videos, have a look at our blog and our YouTube channel.

Impact Reports

Financial Reports


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At Oakleaf, we care about the planet and the environment we live in.

Click the icon below to see our policy, which lays out our commitment to continuously improve our actions and decrease our environmental impact in all that we do.